Saturday, October 28, 2006

Last touching Q and A moments from our IT Pro.

1.) what 3 major learning /lessons you have learned from the course?

  • I learned a lot of things I haven't learned during my undergrade years like DFD, ERD, Pivot tables creating blogs and so fourth.
  • Also in this class and I never thought that exams on Word will be this hard. The Modules again thought me never to underestimate exams.
  • I learned that Time management is the key to success!

2.) what should professor continue to do with this subject?

  • I think our professor Sir John Ruero should continue the things he does in our IT Pro class. Though, tyrant at times students can really learn a lot from him. Rock On Dude!

3.) what should the professor improve on?

  • I think the professor should improve on this mood. Sometimes its unpredictable in the class. =)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Brief Description for July People.
Fun to be with.
Difficult to Fathom and to be Understand.
Quiet unless excited or tensed.
Takes pride in oneself.
Has Reputation.
Easily consoled.
Concerned about people's feeling.
Tactful Sometimes.
Emotional Temperemental and Unpredictable
Moody and Easily Hurt.
Witty and Sparky.
Not Revengeful.
Forgiving but Never Forgets.
Dislikes Nonsensical and Unnecessary Things
Guides Others Physical and Mentally.
Sensitive and Forms Impressions Carefully.
Caring and Loving.
Treats Others Equally
Strong Sense of Sympthy.
Wary and Sharp.
Judges People Through Observations
No Difficulties in Studying.
Loves to be alone.
Always broods about the past and the old friends.
Likes to be quiet.
Homely Person.
Waits for friends.
Never looks for friends.
Not Aggresive unless provoked.
Prone to having stomach and dieting problems.
Loves to be loved.
Easily Hurt Bu - Na putol. Cenxa.. hehe
Legend:Bold - True
Italic - Wish it was true.
Underline - Dont Give a Damn.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


What a class I had this day. Different people had displayed different emotions. But what transpired most was the feeling of "GUTOM!"
But the strangest things was none have reacted to it much! hihihi

Saturday, August 05, 2006


IT Outsourcing (Re-post)

To start of, as an employee of an Outsourcing Company, I learn a lot and can relate a little about what the author was saying about outsourcing. In my projects handled here in my current company. I might say that some projects are a little bit disappointing because of some misconceptions to the Customer-Supplier constructs is concern. Some projects I’ve had had taking more time than expected because customers are requesting more features that are not in the contract. Like what the author said, some customers don’t really understand what is in the contract and sometimes assume that the Supplier has provide some features that actually were not discuss in the contract. Customers must state precisely what they want to avoid confusion later on the project. As what I have experience here in Davao, some companies really don’t know what they are doing. They just outsource their accounting maybe because it’s the trend now but not really understanding what is the impact in their production.

In doing outsourcing, Companies should have planned what they really what from the start and understanding what would be in implications. If not carefully planned, not only the money will be lost but also the time spent because of an IT Outsourcing would failed, it would fail really bad, meaning that all the resources spent on the Outsourcing will be if not totally lost. So, doing Outsourcing is not a child’s game to be played with. You must dig up on the company’s records to see if the company is ready or not for doing outsourcing.

But you cannot really blame other companies from failing in outsourcing. Investing in IT is really a like playing lotto. You have to gamble and take the risk of getting ahead of your competitors. One or more clients that I have handled, has phase 1 and phase 2 written in their contracts. Meaning, if they are satisfied with the phase 1 then thus the phase 2 shall be initialized. Doing outsourcing, really is a gamble but you have to rise the percentage of winning.


PreAssessment of Module 5
96 of 127 (75%)
PreAssessment of Module 5
110 of 127 (86%)
PreAssessment of Module 4
145 of 176 (82%)
Post-assessment of Module 4
158/176 (89%)
PreAssessment of Module 3
159 / 184 (86%)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


PreAssessment of Module 2
Whoo.. Wla man lang ko ghatagan change mka react! hmp!

74% I didn't recall the exact score so its still coming soon. :)

PostAssement of Module 3
80 of 86 (93%)

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Grade of Presssessment Module 1: 75 of 84 (89%) whew..